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Welcome to the HistoSonics Investigator Sponsored Research portal. To start a submission, you need to create an account. Once registered, you will be able to submit study proposals, check the status of submitted proposals, and provide updates on your ongoing studies.

HistoSonics recommends that investigators interested in conducting an investigator sponsored research study supported by HistoSonics first submit a study concept proposal. If HistoSonics determines that the proposed clinical study aligns with current evidence needs and has scientific merit, the investigator will be invited to submit a study protocol and detailed budget (full study proposal).

Before creating your submission, please note:
  • HistoSonics can only support studies conducted in a country where the Edison System has regulatory authorization, which is currently limited to the United States.
  • HistoSonics does not provide products or systems as part of our support for ISR studies.
  • HistoSonics is interested in supporting clinical studies of histotripsy in the liver. Please refer to our website for the current areas of research interest.
  • The treating physician must have prior experience with histotripsy in the liver before HistoSonics will review the proposal.

If you have any questions, please contact ISRProgram@histosonics.com.